Our project most relevant products will result from an action-oriented and business-related teaching, focused on partnerships between our institutes and stakeholders across the social, public and private sector. In line with the EU priorities listed in the Eramus + Program 2014-2020, students will learn web entrepreneurship from experts and fellow tutors as well, and they will acquire the required skills to turn their business ideas into a reality and to start up new enterprises both on a local and on an international level. Most of the project tangibles will remain spendable over the years for dissemination purpose. In particular, we will produce:

Intellectual outputs
O1. A complex ToolsKit (2 Modules) with video-tutorials for an open online course, entitled „E-business & Internet Marketing for innovative exercise firms”: once implemented 40 hours in a blended learning environment where students and teachers will be supported by local or national experts and successful entrepreneurs, all activities will be structured within a free online course promoting the necessary skills related to the emerging e-business and internet marketing. Contents:

O2. A guideline with a registered ISBN , “Tips and tricks for effective and creative online business communication”, including a self-assessment and development test, to be exploited by all students and a wider audience even once finished school: they will find here a set of instructions to improve the communicative and self-promotional competences needed to ensure an ongoing career success. The 15 students coordinated by teachers from each partner organization will translate the common English version into their mother-tongue language.

Preview and save the guideline

O3. An online game, “Start up for online business”, to be developed on an e-learning platform by teachers involved and experts recruited in the private and public sectors, thanks to which our students will improve their personal entrepreneurial competences and intercultural awareness by playing funny but educational activities. The game will be embed as a recognized trans-disciplinary learning activity in all local school curricula: it will be freely available on each school official website, without any copyright. The 8 virtual training enterprises will work in a dedicated „European Entrepreneurship Club” for 2 school years, constantly supported by teachers.

O4. A curriculum proposal, “E-business & Internet Marketing for innovative exercise firms”, through which to integrate Entrepreneurship Education into Local Development Curricula. Developed by all partner teachers and by students as well (who will become peer tutors sharing the acquired knowledge and abilities with their fellows over the two year involvement) including an e-Handbook.

Students’ products
-8 blogs with online shops: after the training experience in real enterprises, students will create dedicated blogs where to describe – both in their national language and in English – their personal experiences and to promote as well each hosting enterprise with the help of a picture album.
-8 European e-business fairs

Tools for dissemination/ multiplier events
1. A FREEDOM website to promote the achieved outcomes among other institutes and across the wider social, public and private sectors. It will have links to the “E-business & Internet Marketing” e-learning platform, and to the online game, “Start up for online business”, as well as to the LLP and National Agencies webpages, the e-Twinning portal, the Erasmus Plus Dissemination Platform and all partners websites.
2. A DVD, “My FREEDOM experience – A picture is worth a thousand words”, to be made by students while collaborating on a shared blog, containing a short film and a picture slideshow made out of all the most significant and touching moments of the meetings: all participants will receive a DVD in order to preserve such an important experience in their professional and human growth.
3. A biannual School Magazine, summarizing all implemented activities, showing pictures, advertising partner enterprises
3. National mini-conferences to communicate in progress results in each organization and region (after each project meeting)
4. A European conference for sharing and disseminating the intellectual outputs
5. Final national conferences in each country.


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