How to create a Blog


Follow these simple steps and you will be able to create your own blog, share your thoughts, your pictures, and hobbies with the internet!

1) Open on your browser.
“Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries.”(Wikipedia)
2) Sign in using your Google Account to get started.
If you do not have a Google Account, click “Get Started” to create one.
3) First you will need a “Display Name” to be used to sign your blog posts.
4) Click “Continue”.
5) Click “Create Your Blog Now”
6) Select a “Blog title” and an available URL for your blog.

Think of a creative and appropriate display name according to what you want to do with your blog.
E.g. if you want to sell home-made mittens, use the display name that includes the word mittens.
You can check if the URL you are considering is available by clicking “Check Availability”.

7) Choose a starter template, which will act as the basic design/layout of your blog.
8) Click “Start Blogging”Grundtvig Project “Long life learning, a key to employability for the disadvantaged” 2013-2015.
9) Click on the “Posting” tab, here you can create new blog posts, edit posts, and edit pages.
10) Enter the title of your first post!
11) Enter the body of your post into the “Compose” text editor, here you are able to change the font size, text color, and insert links.
12) In the “Post Options” section”, which is located underneath the “Compose” text editor you can enable reader comments and enter the time and date of your post.

13) Now you can:
a) Select “Save Now” to save your post;
b) “Preview” to preview your post before publishing to your blog;
c) “Publish Post” to publish your post directly to your newly created blog.

14) Check out the “Design” tab to change the design of your blog

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